Generating Process
To better understand how Euclidean Nodes work, we first recommend reading the terms below.
Nodes : Nodes are computer generated points on the Euclidean Space. All nodes are determined by seed value. Each Euclidean Node consists of a different number of nodes between 25 to 545. These numbers are distributed randomly.
Seed : Seed function is used to save the state of a random function, so that it can generate the same random numbers on multiple executions of the code on the same machine or on different machines (for a specific seed value) ( In the process of creating Euclidean Nodes, the seed value is the previous Euclidean Nodes' Hash (SHA256). Therefore, "All Euclidean Nodes are effectively chained to each other".
Genesis Seed : Since “Euclidean Nodes #1” cannot have a seed value, the seed value of “Euclidean Nodes #1” is equal to the Hash value of the first Ethereum block. (0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3 ,
About Chained Euclidean Nodes
Euclidean Nodes are not curated outputs since they're generation data are dependent on eachother. For example, if Euclidean Nodes #26 changes, the whole chain is going to be broken because the hash of Euclidean Nodes #26 and the seed value of Euclidean Nodes #27 will have changed. This means the generation process cannot be interfered with.
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